Residential Childcare
Nether Johnstone House is a large and comfortable home with en-suite accommodation for up to seven young people with complex needs and traumatic life stories. The house is a comfortable, well-furnished building in a secluded road on the outskirts of Johnstone. It has a large private garden, allowing for exploration of the outdoors supported by a safe environment. Our location provides privacy and at the same time access to an extensive range of community resources and is also convenient to road, rail and air connections.
Getting it Right for Every Child provides the vision and framework for our care planning, delivery and evaluation of our services. We ensure that a partnership approach to caring for young people underlies all of our practice. Our core values are underpinned by a social pedagogical approach to care, learning and development and we are committed to holding our children and young people at the heart of everything we do.
At Nether Johnstone House we provide a safe, nurturing environment where our children and young people can thrive and fulfil their potential. The voice of our children and young people is the strength of our service. Their involvement in planning and decision making helps us to design tailor made care plans, ensuring that individual needs are forefront of each plan and helps us to shape the delivery of the service they receive on a day to day basis. We believe strongly that a participative culture creates opportunities to develop resilience, confidence, builds self-esteem and enhances the way in which our children and young people view their world and their journey.
With an appreciation of the impact of trauma, the importance of attachments and the power of relationships, the team at Nether Johnstone House understands the supports and opportunities required to assist our children and young people to heal, learn and grow. A multi-skilled, qualified team, who continuously look for new opportunities to develop themselves, their skills and knowledge in a way that allows them to be creative in their response to the children and young people whom they care for day to day.
Making a Referral
Nether Johnstone House cares for both boys and girls aged 8–21 years old and… read more